Historical Map of Surname Variants

Below is an evolving map exhibiting the occurrences of the McCampbell surname and its variants in the British Isles, stratified by year.  This map helps visualize population concentrations and potentially deduce migration patterns, and may also hint at the evolution of surname variants.  Data for this map was drawn from various census records from the UK and Ireland, as well as scholarly books and other publicly available records.


One thought on “Historical Map of Surname Variants

  1. Michael Anthony McNally says:

    I really like the map. I did it the old fashioned way and had several maps of Co. Tyrone printed out on the plotter where I worked. I also printed out several maps of the parish of Bodoney Lower, where all of my ggggrandparents were from in Co. Tyrone. It was for printing out blue prints so I had several maps that were 48″ by 36″. I used it to go through and plot all of my ggggrandparent’s surnames, one being McNally, and I found them all in a cluster in the townland of Crockanboy. I also had a document that was a search through the area to identify all of the inhabitants as well as their family trees and those who still spoke Irish Gaelic. The maps were a great help in tracing their surnames back in time by plotting the surnames back to 1618 using Hearth Money Rolls, Chancery Juries from the area, as well as several other documents.
    The size of the maps created an issue for storage but I keep them in a few blue print rolls so that helps. It would have been much easier if I had done it electronically as you have. Very impressive! Another source for the surname is the Catholic Birth, Marriage, and Death records that is now online. I got my documents from microfilm which was MUCH more tedious. I could send you some of those records I have such as Hearth Money Rolls, etc… You probably already have these sites but I will list the Griffiths Valuations and the Catholic Records sites.
    Griffith’s Valuation: http://www.askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/index.xml

    Catholic Records: http://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls000632985#page/5/mode

    1901/1911 Irish Census Records: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/

    Mike McNally


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